Dress Code
Dear Parent/Guardian,
The primary responsibility for a student's personal appearance and dress rests with the student and his/her parent/guardian. Dress and personal appearances are forms of self-expression. The school expects that students will dress and groom themselves in ways that are appropriate for school activities. The following items are deemed inappropriate to wear to school:
1. Certain body parts must be covered for all students at all times. Clothes must be worn in a way such that genitals, buttocks, breast, and nipples are fully covered with non-transparent (opaque) fabric. There will be no bare midriffs.
2. Items of clothing with suggestive messages or advertising alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
3. Apparel which exposes the midriff, cleavage, and full shoulders.
4. Exposed underwear and exposed clothing which resembles underwear.
5. Outer jackets, backpacks, caps, bandanas, or other headwear are not permitted to be worn unless authorized by the office.
Students found to be in violation of this policy will be sent home to change. Classes missed as a result of being sent home will be unexcused.
1ST OFFENSE: Students will be asked to correct the violation by changing clothes, turning a shirt inside out, and covering up exposed areas.
2ND OFFENSE: Students will be asked to correct the violation by changing clothes, turning a shirt inside out, and covering up exposed areas. Contact with the parent/guardian will be made by an administrator.
SUBSEQUENT OFFENSES: Students will be asked to correct the violation by changing clothes, turning a shirt inside out, and covering up exposed areas. An administrator will contact the parent/guardian, and a resolution conference will be held with the student, parent/guardian, and administrator.
If the student does not have an appropriate article of clothing at school, the student may be offered an appropriate article of clothing if the school has clothing available.
If the student fails to follow the direction of the staff member/administration, the student will be considered insubordinate and be subject to additional consequences.
Enforcement of Dress Code Policy
Building administration is required to ensure that all staff are aware of and understand the guidelines of this policy. Staff will use reasonable efforts to avoid dress-coding students in front of other students.